If you haven’t already do have a read of my friend Adam’s traumatic experiences with ordering team kit. In light of that I though it best to give a rundown of what I consider are the essential steps to make the whole process stress free. Whether it is t-shirt printing, embroidery or custom hoodies, you won’t go wrong with these:
1) Choose a Person
So you’ve decided that it is not the goalkeeper, not your sluggish right back and not your permanently hungover mascot Barney ‘binge-drinking’ Barnacle. Rather its your team kit that has resulted in the worst losing streak in recorded sixth division history. Mauve and shocking pink stripes no more. First, you need to delegate responsibility to someone in the team to sort out the new kit, ideally a diplomatic and organised individual. There also needs to be a decision as to whether the final choice lies in his/her hands or elsewhere. In politics this is called the separation of powers to avoid a tyrannical minority, a concept that goes well with the battlefield that can be ordering team kit.
2) Choosing a Design
This will be the prime source of contention and is probably best as a collaborative effort. It is worth having a general brainstorm and deciding on the things that definitely need to be included. If one person wants a gold crested unicorn and another the green goblin then find grounds for compromise, in this case a green goblin riding a gold crested unicorn. Once decided upon then get your vision down on paper and put it to one side for the moment.
3) Getting Quantity, Sizes and Price Range
Self explanatory really but bear in mind that it is probably worth ordering a couple of extra kits as you never know when the opposing team may go Mike Tyson on you and chew off bits of your clothing (but hopefully not your ear). Also get everyone to write down the sizes they think they are, if you’re going for a tight fit top then bear in mind that it is exactly what it says on the tin; figure hugging, anatomy crunching, tight fit. The final element is deciding how much everyone is willing to spend. If it is a tenner then you just have to accept that the latest neon blue, opposition blinding, clima-cool top is not going to fall into that budget. Work with what you have, and you won’t necessarily have to spend an arm and a leg to get it.
- Maybe it is dream team time? (via Flickr @dullhunk)
4) Choose a Custom Kit Provider…Indigo Clothing!
Thought I’d save you the strenuous Google searches and paper cuts sustained from tearing through the Yellow Pages and direct you to the best in town.
5) Get a Quote and Choose Your Printing Process
Give us a ring and you’ll probably get a response from Stephan or Jo, our friendly client services representatives. Don’t know the difference between your rib knit neck and your piped shoulder seams? They will be happy to walk you through the kit selection and find one that best fits your design and price range. Don’t be afraid to ask questions, it is our job to make sure we get the order right the first time! They will also give you an idea of the best printing process for your design, it is likely to be screen printing unless you want some embroidery. All of this will contribute to the final quote we give you. If that falls within your price range then you can move onto the next step but if not then it is probably worth consulting your teammates first.
6) Make the Order
If that all works for you then you’re ready to make the order! If you have your own finished product artwork then we’ll ask you to send that across. If not and all you have is some pretty average scribblings on the back of an exam past paper, then you can send that across too for our graphic designer to, ahem, refine. Either way you can make the order over the phone and specify a time frame for delivery.
6a) Ordering a Sample
If you’re unsure as to the quality of the kit you are ordering or how the artwork will look then we are always happy to send you a sample first. If it turns out that the Marge’s hair doesn’t pop off the polyester then this is the time to make the relevant adjustments. When you’re satisfied then we can go on to make the full order for you.
7) Controlling the Anticipation
Customers have told us it is like waiting for Santa Claus, counting the minutes to the New Year, waiting for England to win the World Cup (but unlike that the clothes will a) turn up b) not take 100+ years to do so). Luckily our delivery times are rapid and your kit will turn up in no time.
8) New Kit, Time to Shine
Your new kit is delivered, morale is boosted, you get promoted and the Queen considers knighting the whole team based on the quality of your kit alone.

Time to bring in the silverware (via Flickr @cole24_)
9) Spread the Word
In return we only ask one tiny favour and that is you tell everyone you know about Indigo Clothing, tweet it, facebook it, blog it, host an Indigo party, whatever means but please get the word out!
So there you have it, 9 steps to ordering team kit and reaching a better spiritual place. However although I’ve used sport as an example this process is just as applicable to university societies, clubs and membership groups of any sort. We cater to everyone through our customised t-shirt printing, or even hoodies and polo shirts. We also recognise that at this time of year things can get a little tight financially which is why we have our Plus One student offer for 2011 where for every order you make you get an extra piece free! It is perfect for the team kit orders that I just mentioned, I mean could we make it any easier?