Ethicalfashion Flash your Cash in an Old T-Shirt Ever thought about what might have happened to that old t-shirt you threw away many moons ago, that one you never wanted anyone to find…KateForrester10th October 2008
fashion Tiny T-shirts and Pretend Shoes Sometimes babies get the worst end of the stick fashion wise. Unable to read Vogue for a good few years, they’re completely at the mercy…KateForrester9th October 2008
fashion Pop Ya Collar: with a Polo Shirt Long before Sue Barker started presenting Wimbledon, “Tennis whites” were popular sports wear. However, these long sleeved, button-up, flannel shirts proved to be a bit…KateForrester8th October 2008
fashion Posh Suits You It’s time to have a thorough cleanse of any residual laid-back-summer-festival scum. Yes that means wash and comb your hair, use soap, cut off those…KateForrester4th October 2008
fashion Not so Cheap Frills I think that “ruffle” is one of the best words in the English language. It sounds just like it looks. A little bit squished but…KateForrester2nd October 2008
fashion Vitamin C-Shirt I’m sure we all know the feeling well. It starts with a nose sniffle when you wake up in the morning, then your throat feels…KateForrester1st October 2008
Funstudents Don’t Hug a Hoodie, Let the Hoodie Hug You This week in St. Andrew's fresher fever has taken over, and it will be a similar story nationwide. What was last week a sleepy Scottish…KateForrester30th September 2008
fashion A Little Squeeze of Mustard with your T-Shirt? It’s a bit like marmite…some love it, some hate it, but either way, mustard is a must right now. Best worn in squiggly lines on…KateForrester29th September 2008
fashion What does your Heavy Metal T-Shirt say about you? Heavy metal is back; perhaps more in grey now than black, but back none the less. As committed fans dust off their records and tweak…KateForrester28th September 2008
fashion Looking for Connectivity? ‘Wi’ not ‘Fi’nd it on your T-Shirt. Is it a gadget or is it a t-shirt? Proving that what you wear can be multi-functional, or perhaps that our compulsive obsession of finding…KateForrester26th September 2008