Alex's ThoughtsNews Calm before the storm It has been a pleasant weekend, crammed full of exciting sport and it has been a pleasure to watch England play great cricket in the…Alex W14th August 2005
Alex's Thoughts Clear desk policies When friends in large corporate offices tell me they have a 'clear desk policy' I often shudder at the thought of my own desk; a…Alex W5th August 2005
Alex's ThoughtsLondonNews Blitz Mentality The London terrorist attack of July 7th has resulted in a nervous anxiety cloacking the City and our business is now conducted to the soundtrack…Alex W9th July 2005
Alex's Thoughts London win Olympics 2012 London win the Olympics 2012. This is just great news - a proud day to be a Londoner, and a even better one for UK…Alex W6th July 2005
Alex's ThoughtsWebsites French T-shirts Just been to France at the weekend to see Joo (Julia), our original client services co-ordinator. She is working at a Le Chateau d'Ebblinghem looking…Alex W27th June 2005
Alex's Thoughts The fascinating people who buy t-shirts I have just had a meeting with a the tatooist of one of the world's most famous footballers. It made me stop and think about…Alex W10th June 2005
Alex's ThoughtsClients The fascinating people who buy t-shirts I have just had a meeting with an amazingly interesting client whom sadly I can't name drop. It made me stop and think about the…Alex W9th June 2005