CharityClientsFunJo's thoughtsUncategorized Football Shirt Friday How many of you are wearing football shirts at work today? We are wearing our shirts with pride and donating to the Bobby Moore Fund,…Jo17th April 2015
BrandsfashionFunJo's thoughtsLondon EXV Fashion House in the House! Words of wisdom from a clothing start up. Today we met the gorgeous Tania at Indigo HQ, Tania, along with her brother Mitch, recently launched their own clothing line. We asked her about…Jo16th April 2015
fashionFunJo's thoughtsUSA I’d Rather Be At Coachella Of all the festivals the world has to offer there's one that stands out a mile for me. Maybe its the Californian vibe (I'm a…Jo13th April 2015
ArtworkBrandsCharityEthicalIndustry NewsJo's thoughtsNewsNoteworthyUSA Art Without a Roof This morning's cuppa tee read comes from the very home of the beloved t-shirt, and what an inspiring read it was. 'Art Without a Roof'…Jo8th April 2015