It’s official, the smallest cakes of the world have their own national week of commemoration and general recognition, or maybe it’s just a great chance to gorge on cupcakes for a week without feeling bad? Know which approach I’d rather take. However, in an effort to become a cupcake master of skill and artistry I decided to get my bake on. My humble creations might not be Hummingbird standard quite yet (did you know we make their staff uniform?), but it’s National Cupcake Week and they tasted pre-tty good if I do say so myself.
What do you think?
Cupcakes: Bake On
During my bake-athon an apron might have been wise as I did inevitably end up licking the spoon and daubing a sizeable spoonful of frosting down my face/shirt. Next time I decide to do that I’ll make sure I’ve shopped at Bakelove Bakewear in advance, where you can get “Bakelove” aprons for the all important bakery process. Looking the part is half the battle. But if you’re planning on spending this National Cupcake Week eating cupcakes rather than making them, don’t bother with an apron, just go for a simple “Cupcake” t-shirt – though I don’t reckon that the lady baker on the front of this shirt would pass health and safety regulations these days. Happy munching!