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Hello from Kate

By 16th September 2008April 11th, 20173 Comments

Hello there reader! My name is Kate, and despite being new to the blogging scene (I did at one point think that a blog was a type of porridge) I have thankfully been enlightened and am here to contribute to the Indigo blog. I’ll be able to keep you updated on the cream of the fashion world, avoiding complicated haute-couture jargon such as “babushka” which apparently, aside from being a catchy Kate Bush song, is also a diagonally folded, triangular head-scarf which ties beneath the chin; well I never!

At the moment I’m completing my fourth and final year studying English Literature at St. Andrews University in Scotland, where I enjoy living in a house by the sea with a whistling kettle and designing for a small t-shirt company. Aside from a love of kitschy fashion, children’s illustration and folk music, I get excited when the weather goes frosty and I can see my breath and wear winter hats.

I’m terrified of horses, sleep without a pillow and chill my apples for added crunch. My favourite word is ‘jangle’. If I’ve had a really really terrible day I’ll eat peanut butter from the jar with a spoon, and if I could be a shoe I’d be a clog dancer’s clog, just because I could be.

So there are all my vital statistics covered. I’d love to hear what kind of shoe you would be…and next time you see a passer-by wearing a headscarf tied at the chin don’t forget to compliment them on their lovely “babushka”.

This is me

This is me...hello!!!


  • Alex says:

    Great intro Kate – looking forward to all your posts!

  • Jo says:

    Hi Kate…

    An interesting read!!!

    Look forward to hearing more!

  • Lainie says:

    oh how divine, I also, one day, would love to live by the sea with a whistling kettle, altho.. I am not the biggest fan of the cold.. 30degree heat would be lovely thank you!
    great tip on the apple chilling.. mine’s going into the fridge as we speak ;0)
    If i’ve had a bad day I swig champagne from the bottle and if i could be a shoe.. a flip flop.. coz they live the beach bum life!

    Great post, looking forward to the next one! x