Hello readers, I’m sorry it’s been so long since I wrote regular fashion snippets here…you’ve probably forgotten the sound of my voice by now. Over the past month I’ve been finishing off my degree and doing pesky finals so my fashion tendrils have been a bit lax, but don’t worry I’m back now.
When you’ve been away from home for a long time it’s always nice to come back to the place where everything looks pretty much the same only a little smaller than you remember. Yesterday I packed up my little house by the sea and came home. After finishing up all my work, doing my exams and a long drive home I was ready to see my parents waiting on the doorstep. I’m not going to deny that I envisaged them looking slightly distraught at the fact that I had been away from home for so long but with an excited glimmer in their eyes because their prodigal daughter had finally returned home, and preferably they would shower me with gifts and tears of joy. It’s meant to work the same way whenever you are reunited with loved ones, whether it’s at airport arrivals, on Christmas day, or simply when you’ve been to buy the morning paper and it’s taken a little longer than usual; however, my parents had gone on a tropical holiday when I returned (not jealous, not jealous at all. promise) so all my teary reunion ideas were shot to pieces.
I like reunions, but the best part about them are the hugs. Those big bear hugs that greet you when you’ve been away for ages. In fact the best ones are when you can’t really breathe so good and you get lifted off the ground a little and here cracking noises around the ribs. One of the ‘Design by Humans‘ artists clearly has the same love of bear hugs if you take a look at this shirt. Thankfully the bear hugs I’ve had haven’t been from frightening grizzly bears, or from men in a baby blue shirts that say ‘hugs’, but if you did want to combine the two…tahdaaaaa! Now I’ll just have to spend some time thinking up a new reunion image for when my parents come back looking all sun-kissed – my thunder has totally been stolen here.
Looks so soft and huggable