Loops and Pluto sounds like it could be an outer-space roller coaster, but that would be wrong because it’s actually an indie fashion retailer…and they’ve got a treat for you, but you’ll just have to wait a bit before I let you know what it is. Patience is a virtue. With a huge array of quirky t-shirts there’s something to tempt everyone at Loops and Pluto, and their t-shirts aren’t your average, though there are a few wholesome favourites there.
The store is handily categorized into sections which list “New T-shirts” and “Popular T-shirts”, but with some scouring you can also find many hidden gems. These shirts will get you noticed, especially when they glow in the dark like this one, no need to scrabble for the torch in a power cut. And if you’re about to meet up with a friend who you haven’t seen in a long time then the striking “Yes, It’s Really Me” shirt is an indispensable item.
One of my favourites is the “Beer Pong” t-shirt. In America I was treated to participation in this party game on more than one occasion. The idea being that you combine skill (aiming a ping-pong ball) with drinking cups of beer. The more balls you successfully plop into your opponent’s cups at the other end of the table, the more they have to drink. I didn’t really understand the game’s concept at first, as you can get quite thirsty if you have a good aim, but those Yalies know what they’re talking about I suppose, and all the cups do get supped in the end believe it or not. The charm of Beer Pong is that it’s not a drinking game; it’s a drinking sport. So if you are a Beer Pong champ use this shirt to show off your athleticism.
Seeing a man wearing the word "Pong" is such a rare sight
This could be you
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