So here it is, the third and final instalment of notes from Paris. This one may be slightly inventive (I didn’t actually see anyone in the French capital wearing one of these) but oh it’s a good one. After flap hats and masculine roll necks it’s time for a t-shirt. You know that awful phrase: ‘Been there, done that, got the t-shirt‘? The reason why it’s so awful is because the t-shirts people get are usually quite uninventive, but if you’ve been to Paris, or even if you haven’t, this t-shirt is anything but boring.
Who loves Paris?
Not does this design feature the ultimate landmark of Paris, the Eiffel Tower, it also gives you the tongue of a native, clear your throats and get your mouths ready for some over pronunciation because ‘J’aime Paris’. Any Parisian would strip off their roll neck sweater faster than you can say ‘Zut Alors!’ if they were wearing one of these t-shirts by Lazy Oaf underneath it. Even the Eiffel Tower has put a little bit of blusher on her cheeks to make sure you look your best. But if, despite my riveting fashion notes, Paris isn’t the city for you not to worry, because they do an ‘I heart London’ t-shirt too.
You've got to love England, even the big fat raincloud is cheery