fashion Tiny T-shirts and Pretend Shoes Sometimes babies get the worst end of the stick fashion wise. Unable to read Vogue for a good few years, they’re completely at the mercy…KateForrester9th October 2008
fashion Pop Ya Collar: with a Polo Shirt Long before Sue Barker started presenting Wimbledon, “Tennis whites” were popular sports wear. However, these long sleeved, button-up, flannel shirts proved to be a bit…KateForrester8th October 2008
fashion Posh Suits You It’s time to have a thorough cleanse of any residual laid-back-summer-festival scum. Yes that means wash and comb your hair, use soap, cut off those…KateForrester4th October 2008
fashion Not so Cheap Frills I think that “ruffle” is one of the best words in the English language. It sounds just like it looks. A little bit squished but…KateForrester2nd October 2008
fashion Vitamin C-Shirt I’m sure we all know the feeling well. It starts with a nose sniffle when you wake up in the morning, then your throat feels…KateForrester1st October 2008
Funstudents Don’t Hug a Hoodie, Let the Hoodie Hug You This week in St. Andrew's fresher fever has taken over, and it will be a similar story nationwide. What was last week a sleepy Scottish…KateForrester30th September 2008
fashion A Little Squeeze of Mustard with your T-Shirt? It’s a bit like marmite…some love it, some hate it, but either way, mustard is a must right now. Best worn in squiggly lines on…KateForrester29th September 2008
fashion What does your Heavy Metal T-Shirt say about you? Heavy metal is back; perhaps more in grey now than black, but back none the less. As committed fans dust off their records and tweak…KateForrester28th September 2008
Websites Tips to Beat the Credit Crunch #1 This cursed credit crunch is a source of some serious woe for me ("The weather's terrible! Must be the credit crunch"; "I can't be bothered…FelicityParker26th September 2008
fashion Looking for Connectivity? ‘Wi’ not ‘Fi’nd it on your T-Shirt. Is it a gadget or is it a t-shirt? Proving that what you wear can be multi-functional, or perhaps that our compulsive obsession of finding…KateForrester26th September 2008