Post by Meeha:
“Oh Meeha, keep in mind we’re very casual and jeans will do just fine.”
Just the words any intern/workshadowing student wants to hear when trying to venture into the world of the working kind. I didn’t really know what to expect when I got accepted to do a workshadow with Jo and the gang at Indigo Clothing. All I can say is, quickest six hours of my life, apart from the really, really , REALLY fast six hours of sleep that preceded the working day.
I was taken by Jo, my mentor for the day to the warmest, most comfortable studio room-office ever. T-shirts hanging from a clothing line, of course, they customise shirts, among other things. Was introduced Eleni, who works with Jo, and got right down to work, being explained bits and bobs along the way. After a few additions and multiplications, sending back quotes to potential customers it was time for lunch. Guess what, they feed you too!! Well, only if you’re interning I guess . Yummy chicken sandwich baguette from a bar across the road, you will truly be missed. When we got back from lunch I was introduced to the Blog on which these few words will be put up, I’m assuming. FUN! Although I’m not sure if this particular post will be half as popular or fun to read as any of Kate’s. Wow can that woman write or what?
As I write this, I’m getting my very own t-shirt printed. It took me nearly half an hour to think up what I wanted to have printed on my shirt. I think it is quite near perfection. Almost.
You readers should be so lucky to get a day to intern with Indigo Clothing, I did, so BOOYA!! I’m thinking of throwing in an evil chuckle somewhere, yes totally should.
And because I have a train to catch back to Loughborough University, I must stop writing this post from this big city computer, in this big city work place, in the big city.
This sheep in the big city and alien to fast walking, tube-taking, hustling and bustling must go back to the Village that is Loughborough. Adios!

Meeha's new t-shirt!
Thumbs up girl ! And that Tee is super-amazing!
Love the post Meeha !!