Being a bit of a techno-phobe, Twitter has been one of those things that everybody is using but I don’t really understand. Over the past few months I’ve been hearing a lot about tweets, but they’ve still largely remained to me the sounds made by small garden birds in summer months. Today however, I have made a big step. I have decided to come out of my cocoon, create my very own Twitter account and learn the ropes hands on.
Already I have learned that the early bird gets the worm on Twitter, as most of the variations of my name were already unavailable so I had to be a little bit more inventive. My initial concerns are that tweeting (is that a good usage there?) is going to be quite a challenge for someone who struggles to be concise at the best of times, and has issues with commitment, but I’m ready for the adventure and I have done my research; I have a whole 140 characters to make my own. You could say that my inspiration for this new direction in my life has come from this Threadless tee shown to me by Alex, which boasts ‘I’m huge on Twitter’. I can see myself having to buy one of these in a few weeks when I’m the new Stephen Fry (apparently he’s quite the big deal on Twitter). Wonder if he’s got one?
me size please
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